Network Brouhaha

Networking, Cloud, Automation, Infrastructure, Containers and General Geekery

I'm joining Rubrik

This post will be short and sweet. I’m joining Rubrik as a Technical Marketing Engineer, focusing on Networking and Security.


  • To challenge myself and learn new things
  • To contribute some of my networking (and other) knowledge
  • To focus my energy into a solid product that I believe in
  • To work with some incredibly bright minds
  • Rubrik has a growing customer base with increasingly complex networks

Leaving SIS was a difficult decision. I made some great friends there and genuinely hope those friendships continue. I don’t have anything to say but kind words for the SIS folks, and this new direction isn’t because of anything negative happening there. Simply put, an opportunity to work at Rubrik is one that is too good to pass up. They are disruptive in their market, and by my appraisal they are doing things the right way. No one has anything but good things to say about their leadership, and they have a compelling story about their product.

I can’t wait to see what the next few months will bring. I’m excited to learn everything about Rubrik and get to know my new team members. Unfortunately this means that I’ll have to pause work on my “Hybrid Home Lab” setup, but I will continue that effort as soon as I can.